How to Hire the Right IT Tech

IT support businesses sell a variety of services and products to consumers. So how can you know which ones you should be paying for? There’s no shortage of information on the Web, but a thorough analysis of your company’s needs is best. Here’s a list of the most common IT support services with an explanation of each one:

J5siC3V - How to Hire the Right IT Tech

Microsoft provides most of the basic support services for Windows. The popular Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) certifications come in three flavors: Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) v. Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) v. Microsoft Certified Information Technology Consultant (MITC). If you’re considering a certification, consult with your Microsoft Information Technology Services (IITS) or Information Technology Management Services (ITMS) manager. To become a Microsoft MCTS, a person must successfully pass the Microsoft Qualified Professional Examination (MPE) v. a Microsoft System Engineer (MSE) v. and Security Compliance Specialist (SCS) v. a Microsoft Qualified Information Technology Specialist (QTI). If you’re already a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) or a Microsoft Systems Engineer (MSE), IT support services from a Microsoft certified company usually cost more than support services from the Microsoft Information Technology Services provider (NITS).

Apple Macintosh computers utilize the Apple Information Products (IPs) offered by the Mac computer company. Apple’s support services are more limited compared to other information technology companies. In addition, most Apple Macintosh computers are supported with a network of local and remote web hosts. They also provide access to iTunes, which is not included in the Mac computer product package.

IBM A+ systems are designed to run on a Windows server, but they use Windows licensing to run their servers. For organizations that need a little more from IT support than they can get from a Microsoft certification, an IBM A+ can be a great choice. Most IT support for IBM A+ systems is provided by the IBM Company. You will need to contact your IBM vendor to find out what level of technical support is available from IBM.

Cisco is another popular choice for IT support. Many people already have network experience, and some may know about routers and switches. Many companies that rely on Cisco products prefer to work with an independent IT technician instead of a Cisco technician because they want more control over the system. Some Cisco system technicians work on network setups and routers, and others work on end-user systems. An independent IT technician may be able to answer questions about routers or switches that an end user is having trouble using.

HSBC North America holdings are great places to find IT technicians. If you do not live in the United States or Canada, the network support technicians that work for HSBC North America can usually be found in the network technology section of the office. You can also call their customer service desk for help. Some of the top positions in the network technology department are held by skilled network technicians who have worked with many different corporations.

IT technical support technicians can receive specialized training to work with new hardware and software. You should inquire into this training so you can be sure you are hiring the best people for your needs. Often, companies will send their technicians on short training courses that will help them learn how to handle new equipment and help troubleshoot software programs. If you send your technicians on a longer course, such as a one-week boot camp, they will learn how to troubleshoot different components and software on your computer. Having someone who has been trained to handle the new equipment will be extremely helpful when troubleshooting problems that occur during regular business hours.

IT technical support is no walk in the park, but with the right knowledge, training, and attitude, it could be a rewarding career choice. If you want to be part of an IT support company, you will need to gain a number of skills in order to be successful. For instance, a technician will need to be skilled at troubleshooting various types of hardware issues. By listening carefully to customers and handling customers’ needs, a technician can hone their technical skills to become an excellent technical writer. By honing their skills, an IT technician can become a great technical writer who can easily write about current events, upcoming trends, or troubleshooting techniques that will allow you to keep up with the changing times.



